Toddler Expectations


Call me crazy, but I love to photograph toddlers. The magical age between 1 and 3 is a time of exploration, delight, and love. Toddlers are 100% themselves all the time, and it's the most beautiful thing ever.

Okay. Truth time. Photography sessions with toddlers can also be exhausting... especially for the parents.

I remember when my kiddos were wee toddlers. The daily struggle to get them dressed in the morning was nothing compared to asking them to smile at the camera when they weren't feelin' it. They do what they want when they want to do it. It's as simple as that.

Having photographed a heckuva a lot of toddlers in my day, I've found that letting the youngin' lead is the best way to get the most out of our time together. That means a lot of running around, playing peek-a-boo, making silly faces, running around some more, looking at nature, distracting them with parent snuggles and, you guessed it, running around some more.

By making sessions fun and full of adventure, I'll be able to capture more of their awesome personality.

Your kiddo will only be a toddler once. Embrace the mild chaos of these years and have fun discovering the world through their eyes. It's an experience you'll never regret.




The Schmidts!