The Doldrums


In this weekly blog series, “Life in the time of Covid-19”, I will be sharing a candid view of my family’s journey as we navigate the Covid-19 pandemic.

This week felt a lot like last week (which felt a little like the week before). We are now locked into a quasi-mundane routine, snow and gloomy weather included, and it sometimes feels like we're floating in the doldrums.


My little sprite, Edith, has been getting comfortable with (and while) online learning. Her uniform these days is a t-shirt, shorts, and bare feet. I'm pretty sure she'll be sad to return to school-appropriate clothes when class resumes at the Middle School.


Howling has become a (nearly) nightly ritual for her. I think it makes her feel connected to the neighbors she can't see. Rosie likes to bark along.


Anton has been carrying around his homemade Master Sword all week and has been delightfully pretending he's Link from Zelda.


Some days are great for the little guy, and some days have been pretty hard. Luckily, his faithful companion Rosie is always near his side.


Now, some of you who know Kris know he can really, really get into things. He was really into baseball statistics when we first got married and even had a stint as a bread baker. Right now, he's really (REALLY) into Dungeons and Dragons. Friday and Saturday evenings have been designated (virtual) D&D times for him and his pals and it's really been a great release for the entire group. On Sunday, he braved leading a game of D&D with a bunch of our friend's kids (ages ranging from 7-16). Everyone had a blast and it went smoother than he expected. It's probably because he wore his special Run D&D shirt.


Thankfully, this week my emotions were more level. I just completed a 30-day yoga course (via Amazon Prime) and found that some of the breathing exercises have made it beyond the yoga mat. Despite the rollercoaster of emotions I've felt over the last month, I really credit the yoga practice for helping calm my brain down when I needed it. I'm excited to continue. I might even start practicing meditation.

(I'm getting woo-woo in quarantine, folks.)


On a fun (and less doldrummy note) on Tuesday Anton and I noticed three ducks hanging out in our front yard - a female and two males. Since then, we've noticed them waddling around our neighborhood every day. So, of course, we had to name them: Rod, Flora and Pete (not pictured). We can't wait until we see some babies (though, the father will be anyone's guess).


Ducks are a good sign that spring is indeed coming. Until it fully arrives, however, I'll continue to photograph randomness within my home. Sometimes that's magical light streaming through our kitchen door window. Sometimes it's a half-eaten banana.


We're Here for the Birds


It's Come to Howling