Macy | Dickinson Senior Photographer


Big shocker, guys, but I'm obsessed with color. The brighter and the bolder the better. So, you can imagine my excitement when Macy uttered the words "I love color!" I was quite excited.

We dove right into the bright backgrounds at the studio and then headed to a couple of parks nearby for some warm evening light. The weather was beautiful - the bugs were not. Typical Minnesota summer night.

Macy will be a high school senior in Dickinson, ND this fall and she's super pumped to check off her last year of school. When she visited me in Moorhead earlier this month, she was in between a couple of college tours including my ama mater Minnesota State University Moorhead. And while I'm sure all the schools she visited are excellent, we all know which college is the best :)


Summer Session with the Duricks | Moorhead Family Photographer


Tobiah and Some Sticks | Fargo Children Photographer