Jessica & Jaxon | Bismarck Wedding Photographer


714 days......714 days to plan. 714 days to wait. 714 days to finish school, land jobs, and figure out this "adult thing." From the moment Jessica said "sure, I'll marry you" she and Jaxon had 714 days - that's nearly two years if you're counting - to plan their perfect wedding. These smart cookies wanted to finish up with college before embarking on their new adventure together. So, for 714 days they waited, planned and began their official adulthood.  Oh, it was so worth it.Jessica and Jaxon's wedding day was full of joy, laughter, love of friends and love of family. And as you'll tell from the number of images I apparently can't narrow down, it was A LOT of fun too. Bismarck, North Dakota Wedding  


The Dahl Family | Fargo Portrait Photographer


At Home with the Humbles