Chelsea + Joe: The Wedding


I've always been fond of spring. Living here in the upper, upper midwest, spring is a time of welcome transition. Overnight, it seems, our world explodes in shades of bright green, replacing the brown deadness that represents our cold and brutal winters. It's a season of love, which nature proudly show us, from the emerging tulips to the bunnies under my shed starting their new family.Chelsea and Joe decided to start their new adventure as a married couple in April. Spring was just beginning to show it's happy face, and the excitement of the season was all around. Their friends and family gathered at the Avalon Event Center to celebrate this lovely couple, and we were able to spend a good chunk of the days outdoors enjoying the love of nature. The weather was perfect. The couple was happy. All in all, a pretty darn good day.(We won't talk about how it snowed the Monday after their wedding though.)


An Afternoon with the Nowatzki Family


Jazsmin and her baby bump